This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Psychic Sandra strikes again!

Post 41


Well I definately wont be drunk..or even drinking tomorrow night smiley - tongueout

Psychic Sandra strikes again!

Post 42


Wrong!smiley - nahnah I got distracted by a jacketsmiley - wow

I predict that tommorow, I will blame Brian Wilson for spilt drinks.

I predict that most people reading this thread now have Kaiser Chiefs in their head.

I predict that I will become a poet.'s what just happened.

Psychic Sandra strikes again!

Post 43

A Super Furry Animal

Huh. You're no fun.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Psychic Sandra strikes again!

Post 44


who me? nah i just dont tend to drink at home alone these days..and with teetotal company for the weekend id feel a bit of an arse getting pished smiley - winkeye

Psychic Sandra strikes again!

Post 45


I don't mind you getting pished... i can take advantage of your drunken state after all smiley - evilgrinsmiley - tongueout

Psychic Sandra strikes again!

Post 46


Its no fun being the only one pished though smiley - tongueout

and youd take advantage of me in'any' state!

Psychic Sandra strikes again!

Post 47


Good point smiley - tongueoutsmiley - bigeyes

Psychic Sandra strikes again!

Post 48


sleep groper smiley - tongueout

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