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Got the lergies!

Post 1


Don't have children..they give you headlice! smiley - wah
Josh has been scraping away recently but i couldnt see anything in there (its getting in ned of a cut again) so assumed it just needed a good wash as my head itches sometimes if i dont wash it for a little while.
sitting in a&e last night hes falling asleep on me n im playing with his hair n what do i see..a bloody louse smiley - ill i really really hate bugs of any sort so was having phantom itches all over my skin all night! did the conditioner n comb job on him this morning whch will hopefully sort it with a couple of goes, and had a check of mine too , n whaddya know..the little buggers have got me too smiley - wah

lergies smiley - yikes

Got the lergies!

Post 2

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

something my mum knows AAAAAALLLL about! smiley - evilgrin

Got the lergies!

Post 3


I'll bet smiley - laugh

Got the lergies!

Post 4


smiley - antsmiley - antsmiley - monstersmiley - yikes

Got the lergies!

Post 5


smiley - wah

'goes n sits in the lergie corner'

Got the lergies!

Post 6

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I was terrible as a child. I used to have really thick and really long hair so any head lice were attracted to me like youknowwhat to a blanket.

Ask mum about a particular time when she was trying to get them out of my hair...she'll tell you all about that one

Got the lergies!

Post 7


Will do smiley - evilgrin

she does love to tell us all your embarrassing childhood tales

smiley - laugh

Got the lergies!

Post 8

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

and don't I know it!

The shame...the shame I tell you!!!! smiley - groan

Got the lergies!

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Awww <longdistance smiley - cuddlesmiley - winkeyesmiley - blush I don't think I've had de nits for a long while, though I did when a kid smiley - blushsmiley - biggrin how was you in A and E? smiley - erm did they give you a good going over smiley - bigeyessmiley - winkeyesmiley - hug

Got the lergies!

Post 10


Not really a good going over no..a good telling off for smoking though smiley - blush

Everyones had nits at somepoint pesky things, adults who are intolerant of all bugs shoulldnt have to endureit though ..and theres the other prob..quite how do you put..'by the way darling i may have given you headlice..'

smiley - yikessmiley - laugh

Got the lergies!

Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well.... just think its better than telling them you've given them some other type of lice smiley - winkeye

Got the lergies!

Post 12


Very true smiley - laugh

'wonders if lice can change type like herpes does'

Got the lergies!

Post 13

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

naa, don't think they can do that smiley - biggrin pubic lice, headlice, human lice, all different I think smiley - bigeyes

Got the lergies!

Post 14


You sure? surely if a coldsore (herpes simplex) can transfer n become genital herpes head lice can become pubic lice? back me up here seeing if the thought stop me being offerd a 'sausage supper' for a while smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Got the lergies!

Post 15

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well, the Herpies virus, can just do both, its a virus, very very very simple thinggies, lice are more complicated critters smiley - ermsmiley - scientist I'm sure!

Got the lergies!

Post 16

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*shudders* 'orrible 'orrible things!! smiley - yuk

She was snooing in them!..But no even the doctor could see anything. "she has a lot of dandruff" was all that was said!

Anyway, I called in the chemist on the way home and bought a "shampoo" and a comb!

On the way home, I informed my friend of my suspicions and that hers might have them too.. she was fine about it.

Oh My!!!.... I was sitting on the lid of the loo with tilly mint seated between my legs. When they all came running down her back!!! smiley - wah

I was making such a racket.. that VC came to see if we were alright.. only to be screech at....."Close that door..go away" as I was catching them and throwing them into the bath!

Five minutes after I got back downstairs.. and was composing myself... my friend called round, saying, "I've come to warn you. That stuff you bought makes then all run out of the hair!!"

Why couldn't she have said it an hour before! smiley - groan

Got the lergies!

Post 17


Oh god mum thats gross smiley - rofl

Got the lergies!

Post 18

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Then she picked them up at a weekend in Brownie Camp... The leaders came to see me the day after they got home, because one of them had picked them up... the contacted the girls mother..who admitted she knew the girl had got them!..It went through the majority of the pack!

smiley - grr

Got the lergies!

Post 19


I kept josh off scholl once cos id found nits n wanted to treat them before he went in n gave it to everyone! I got a bollocking for it! its not an acceptable reason to keep them off apparently! smiley - cross

Got the lergies!

Post 20

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I played hell with the headmistress.. because mine was being treated.. and 3 weeks later was infested again...this went on for a couple of months.. so I kept them out of school for a week until they sorted the matter out properly... which they did do after that.

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