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Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 1


smiley - grr

smiley - winkeye

I really have to do something about my budgeting skills, ive gotton so lazy about it ..again, that im getting myself in shit..again!
So, ive just resolved to try n cut down the fags,(save me a fortune in money and health!)cut out the take aways (i only have them once or twice a week but theyre expensive and ive hit 18st again smiley - wah)and junk food/fizz..hopefully thatll help my budget as well as my weight!
I have the promise of some nice days out and the fact i tend to feel im taking the piss if people pay for me too often to hopefully motivate me!

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

It'll be hard, but worthwhile I'm sure smiley - ok

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 3


Not too hard i hope smiley - winkeye

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 4


smiley - goodluck But I'm sure you won't be needing itsmiley - smiley

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 5


I'm prolly not gonna be great to be around though curbibng all my vices at once smiley - monster

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

But you can have all the junk food here - doesn't cost you a penny, and no calories at that smiley - tongueout

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 7


true! smiley - porkpiesmiley - chocsmiley - crispssmiley - cheesecake

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 8


smiley - cuddle

If you ever need help keeping your mind off fags or food, just say. smiley - smileysmiley - smoochsmiley - winkeye

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 9


Why? you gonna move in n smiley - handcuffs me to the sofa? smiley - winkeye

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 10


I was thinking more the bed, but the sofas good smiley - winkeyesmiley - smooch

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 11


Feck off im not exercising too! smiley - tongueout

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 12


Darn smiley - tongueout

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 13


your dad getting ready to kick you over to me for a few months then? smiley - laugh

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 14


Dunno yet, May depend on the phone and electric bills

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 15


Youve been pretty good with the phone though..not calling me as much anyway...

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 16


Yeah, but my dad will still complain about the increase in his bills.

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 17


oops! as long as i dont get sacked for being an extra expense smiley - winkeye

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 18


of course not smiley - smooch

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 19


yet smiley - winkeye

smiley - smooch

Skint,fat and grouchy!

Post 20


Cost would never be an issue smiley - smooch

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