This is the Message Centre for Serephina

clumsy t**t!

Post 41


bring the badgers alongsmiley - laugh

clumsy t**t!

Post 42

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I would have suggested the Travelodge in Islington which isn't too far from Kings smiley - cross Cross, but we booked in there once and got well and truly shafted, ending up in the Docklands Travelodge, which is very nice but in the arse end of nowhere. smiley - erm

clumsy t**t!

Post 43

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Hmm, I really should get on and sort this out smiley - doh I just want to try to avoid my having to leave early, and then still miss the last train back to Cambridge on the Sat night smiley - dohsmiley - biggrin

clumsy t**t!

Post 44


If you stayed in Croydon we can collect you on our way to the station 2legs! There is a traveloge that we could kick you out of a taxi outside of on the way to Sandra's....smiley - evilgrin

Suppose I'd better answer 'Knobs' to all the questions again in the absence of 'sluggy' filling them out for me this time! smiley - biggrin

OOooh I'm so excited!! May have to take it steady... falling off the wagon is quite a painful experience in heels...smiley - winkeye

SORT YOUR ACCOMODATION OUT 2LEGS!!! I NEED A 'SERIOUS' DRINKING PARTNER!..... unlike birdies on cocktails that break their flipflops, fall up pavements and beat up their boyfriends.......smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

clumsy t**t!

Post 45

Mu Beta

Er...excuse me. What do you call me if not a proper drinker? smiley - cross


clumsy t**t!

Post 46


Fred... I will call you Fred...

Right then Fred... What are we drinking and how long will it be before you are lying under a table begging for the alcohol to stop? smiley - evilgrin

'No Genie, I just can't drink any more...smiley - wah Don't make me'..

clumsy t**t!

Post 47

Mu Beta

Ha! Not going to happen, love.

I can match KerrAvon (but _not_ Bruce) drink for drink - you don't stand a chance


clumsy t**t!

Post 48


I didnt beat him up honest smiley - evilgrin

clumsy t**t!

Post 49


Yes you did you evil cow! smiley - laugh

Just seen your post in the romances....mmmmmmmm...

clumsy t**t!

Post 50

Mu Beta

Yes. I approve.


clumsy t**t!

Post 51


did not..smiley - tongueout

i was holding my tonguesmiley - cross

clumsy t**t!

Post 52


I wonder what kind of reply you will get... I agree completely, I wonder if he will apologise at all...

clumsy t**t!

Post 53


probably not n it wouldnt change my opion anyway.yes these things happen but the injured party deserves the respect of not having their face rubbed in it at all let alone in public

clumsy t**t!

Post 54



clumsy t**t!

Post 55


people never fail to amaze with their lack of humanity!

clumsy t**t!

Post 56


theres a big lump on the bony bit behind my ear nowsmiley - yikes

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