This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Busy busy busy !

Post 1


I seem to have quite a full week ahead smiley - puff

Tomorrow I'm off to squidge my friends beautiful new baby girl . I'll also be keeping fingers, toes, legs and everything else crossed for Savannah who's got her third surgery tomorrow which will hopefully be the last..keep her in your thoughts please everyone, especially those of you who met her at Butlins smiley - rosesmiley - kiss

Thursday is Josh's first parents evening at secondary school smiley - yikes
which I'mm looking forward to and dreading in equal measures! A couple of his teachers were mine and no doubt remember me smiley - laugh
I'm also having my consultation with the local florist to sort out the bouquets for september.

Friday I have to go for an MRI scan on both my knees smiley - bruised to find out whats being the constant pain and swelling in them. Gp suspects either athritis or a ligament pronlem. Quite worried about it all really.

Finally saturday I'm off to try my wedding dress again, get mesured for the right size and put down the deposit, that I am looking forward to!

Think I'll be knackered by sunday!

Busy busy busy !

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Hope they'll find out what's wrong with your knees. smiley - goodluck

smiley - hug

Busy busy busy !

Post 3


They bloody hurt smiley - bruised

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