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im going..

Post 21

I'm not really here

It depends on how many you use every day.

You can work it out here -

Apparently I only need about 1400 calories to stay the same weight as I don't do much exercise, so me going onto 1500 calories would put weight on! You should probably check with your doctor as well Serephina.

im going..

Post 22


OK. According to my table, 5'9" and a medium frame = 9st 7lb - 10st 9lb and 5'9" and a large frame = 10st 3lb - 11st 6lb. How does that sound to you?

im going..

Post 23


Mina has a very good point. I was just using 1,500 as a starting point. You might that too little which would make you snack and defeat the object or you might find that you could get away with less.

im going..

Post 24


10 stoneish was about right,though its about 8 years since i saw it..

the way my tummys gone theres a good chance id need a bit of surgery for the extra skin..that puts me off losing 'too'much

im going..

Post 25

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Skin is quite stretchy you know smiley - biggrin and you are young so it probably won't require teh knife smiley - yikessmiley - doctorsmiley - biggrinsmiley - cuddlesmiley - bigeyes don't forget you ain't going to just* loose weight off your stomach/gut, I've lost two stones in about two years, and though I've lost some off me beer gut, I've certainly (unfortunately) not lost if all off the gut smiley - wah

im going..

Post 26


I've just been to Mina's link and its very interesting. It told me that I should eat 1963 calories a day and there's no way I eat that much a day. I'm sure you're exaggerating about the surgery. Start with a few ab crunches, every night smiley - yikes, increase the number gradually and you'll soon see the difference. I promise! I bought Kylie's Hotpants Workout for £1. I can't say I'm now the proud owner of a butt like Kylie's but it makes me sweat smiley - puff My two love to do it with me! I have to go now, Serephina, but just getting started is the hardest bit smiley - goodlucksmiley - hug

im going..

Post 27

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Agreed getting started is the difficult bit smiley - bigeyes I worked out the calories I was eating partly end last year time, and I found I was eating about 1600 ro about 1800 a day, though it doubled on each day I went to the pub in the evening smiley - doh alcohol is a killer for calories smiley - sadface getting started is the hard bit, I've still* not managed to get round to joining the gym smiley - wahsmiley - doh

im going..

Post 28


i cant see the link at the mo..but i will when i get to a puter.

n im prolly not exaggerating..youve not seen my tummysmiley - winkeye

im going..

Post 29

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Unfortunately the 'eat less, move more' theory doesn't work for me. Despite making almost everything from scratch and doing light exercise (30 minute walk to and from the bus stop every day) I've put on a stone in a month. Apparently my thyroid gland has fallen out with the pituitary one or something smiley - erm

im going..

Post 30


whats your doctor doing for you?has he put you on thyroxine or anything?

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