This is the Message Centre for Serephina

I'm now officially old

Post 1


smiley - senior

..and still looking for new wrinkles and grey hairs smiley - winkeye

my actual birthday was pretty uneventful, had a couple of pressies, my ears re-pierced, an eyebrow wax and a french pedicure as well as a gorgeous bouquet of golden lillies and orange roses smiley - drool and taken for a meal. Ged's off work friday so is taking me shopping as apart from a really nice book on thetarot couldn't think what to get smiley - winkeye
Gonna try and get something nice to wear out fpr my birthday pishup on saturday night.. need a haircut and my nails done too if Genie ever comes down from her squaddie smiley - loveblushweekend cloud smiley - laugh

We're not gonna do the resteraunt first now and just go and cause trouble in the pub smiley - biggrin all who want to are welcome to join us and point and laugh at the old person long as you buy me a drink smiley - tongueout

I'm now officially old

Post 2


re-reading that it souhnds like all those things were done on tuesday after i said it was uneventful smiley - doh nah, they were over the week..

I'm now officially old

Post 3


Do I really smell that bad?

smiley - tongueout

I'm now officially old

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Yes, you do, which I why I won't be getting within 300 miles of you on Saturday smiley - tongueout

Hope you have a great time smiley - smooch

I'm now officially old

Post 5

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Sounds like you had a nice day smiley - biggrin

I'm now officially old

Post 6


He's not a squaddie.. he's an airman... smiley - tongueincheek

And I like my cloud... thank you very much smiley - tongueout

Saturday is going to be a right giggle, I for one can't wait to get you completely off your face and watch as Ged tries to pour you into a taxi to get home.... smiley - rofl

I'm now officially old

Post 7


Hes quite practiced now smiley - winkeye

At least I don't do impressions of household appliances smiley - rofl

I'm now officially old

Post 8


'twiddles thumbs'

I'm now officially old

Post 9

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

*Twuddles thimbs*

smiley - cheers

I'm now officially old

Post 10

A Super Furry Animal

*Points and laughs*

Har har, you're an oldie! smiley - senior

RFsmiley - evilgrin

I'm now officially old

Post 11

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Welcome to the smiley - senior club, Sereph smiley - laugh

smiley - rofl
smiley - rofl
smiley - rofl
smiley - rofl

Just wait til you're *my* age smiley - catsmiley - senior

I just hope you didn't you didn't that piccy on MSN a couple of weeks back smiley - blush Hubby was double-dared (he hasn't been able to sit down with his doughnut cushion since then smiley - winkeye)

I'm now officially old

Post 12

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

you didn't you didn't?

What's all that about? *forgets what the point was*

you didn't see *ah, that's it!* smiley - eureka t'was horrid, he still bears the scars!

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