This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Anyone about..

Post 1


..on april 14th and fancy helping me get really really sloshed for my birthday? smiley - biggrin

Can't do it nearer the time as the weekend of the 2st we're taking out josh, l and h for their birthdays and then its the 28th and the meet i havent decided if im coming too or not yet smiley - erm

so..who's up for it then? bearing in mind that nights on the slosh with me and genie involved are not for the faint of heart smiley - winkeyesmiley - diva

smiley - laugh

Anyone about..

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Sure you come to the meet on 28th, you promised. smiley - doh

Anyone about..

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Sorry, hunny.. you are going to have to attend the meeting on the 28th smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

Anyone about..

Post 4


i'd like to have a birthday night out too though

Anyone about..

Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Sorry, sweetheart.. I can't make that.. I wish you a wonderful night though smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Anyone about..

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

Can't you have both? I mean, that's two weeks to recover smiley - winkeye

Anyone about..

Post 7


Don't worry about that , you're far too far away for me to think of dragging you out smiley - hug

Anyone about..

Post 8

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Possibly, potentially, depending on where I am at the time, what I'm doing, which prior comittments I can't remember, and if I've any money smiley - erm But asides all that.... Do you think yourself and genie will be adaquate to cope with me smiley - evilgrinsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - handcuffs

Anyone about..

Post 9


one week with the boys stuff smiley - winkeye

and yeah of course i can do just a bot unsure about to the meet as ive not been around here much n then i get nervous..smiley - blush

Anyone about..

Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Oh Bless!! smiley - hug

Anyone about..

Post 11


you've not met our friend J yet'es only little but she could handle you just herself smiley - laugh

Anyone about..

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oh yeh? oh yeh? that sounds like a challange to me smiley - tongueoutsmiley - biggrin

Anyone about..

Post 13


mwahahahahaha smiley - laugh

Anyone about..

Post 14

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - biggrin I'd like to say for sure that I'll come but at the moment with my planning ability I havne't a clue what I've already comitted myself to for the foreseeable smiley - erm I know I'm busy the end this month first bit of April, and I think theres ment to be a beer festavil meet thing that I've forgotten when it is with Roymondo and ohters smiley - ermsmiley - dohsmiley - weirdsmiley - evilgrin but smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - ale plus the good company of yourself and ohters useually works to get me movign somwehre by train smiley - magicsmiley - bussmiley - alesmiley - evilgrin

Anyone about..

Post 15

Skankyrich [?]

Everyone here is just being polite so as not to offend you. In fact, they're all coming to my engagement party the day before smiley - tongueout

I can't make it for that very reason, so have a drop of smiley - cider on my behalf, won't you?

Anyone about..

Post 16


sorry smiley - grovel

see? when i go away i really should stay away

Anyone about..

Post 17

Skankyrich [?]

No you shouldn't, don't be so silly. We all miss you being around smiley - hug

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