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I'm in trouble again

Post 1


smiley - tongueout

seems i can't have an entry go to front page any more without someone getting uppity about it!

sometimes i wonder why i bother

I'm in trouble again

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Now what? smiley - cross

smiley - run

I'm in trouble again

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

That's ridiculous, do you still have the link to the PR thread? I seem to recall that it was discussed there, and all agreed that it's not about cancer, but about the test - and in the UK.
Ignaorant, that. smiley - grr

I'm in trouble again

Post 4


theres not a lot i can do about it now

big al has just brought up the peer review thread saying he and others also said i should mention the vaccine!

I'm in trouble again

Post 5


I'm in trouble again

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

But he sais in the end that you shuldn't do - it's a confusing post anyway.

I'm in trouble again

Post 7


exactly! heres the pr thread anyway

I'm in trouble again

Post 8

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, thanks. It's been discussed and agreed upon, that's what I thought anyway. I really don't see why you should have had to mention a vaccine - would it prevent wmen from having a smear test? Probably not, eh?

I'm in trouble again

Post 9


I really don't know.. getting fed up of being pulled apart 'after' pr though!

I'm in trouble again

Post 10

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, I'm sorry about this. smiley - hug

I'm in trouble again

Post 11


It's hardly your fault smiley - hug

hey we could start selling tickets, or have a betting ring on who i'll annoy next smiley - winkeye

I'm in trouble again

Post 12

aka Bel - A87832164

Brilliant idea - but then again, I couldn't even guess, to be honest. smiley - biggrin

I'm in trouble again

Post 13


Am i really that annoying? smiley - laugh

I'm in trouble again

Post 14


And there was me only today trying to think of a new subject to write on as i've a fair bit of time on my hands this week ..should i bother? really?

I'm in trouble again

Post 15

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Yes, yes and thrice yes! You write well, your entries are informative and interesting. Don't give up! I would hate you to do that! smiley - hug


I'm in trouble again

Post 16


thanks smiley - blush

got any ideas then mags? im all out at the mo

I'm in trouble again

Post 17


theres something up with your msn by the way

I'm in trouble again

Post 18


Hi S, I re-read that article and frankly I think the point has been missed. It is quite clear it's about the test and test methods and diagnosis and no way intended to go into detail on the cancer or types of cancer itself. That would be an article on it's own and would require a lot of technical stuff translating into laymans terms too. The vaccine being talked about would also be part of a cancer article under other treatments. This article is'nt about treatment, it's about testing and diagnosis. I think it's just fine.smiley - hug

You keep writing, you're doing chuffin well.smiley - ok

I'm in trouble again

Post 19



I'm in trouble again

Post 20


I entirely agree. I've read the entry and it is fine. You do touch on treatment, but only at the early stages. Keep writing, your entries are extremely read worthy and do cover some great subjects.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

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