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unusual subjects

Post 1


Youve prolly all nticed by now I like writing asbout unusual subjects, especially the weird nystical or supernatural.

I'm running out of ideas though, i did one on Esther Cox today,i've got to finish the jersy devil but then im stuck! Any suggestions oh great minds?

unusual subjects

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Sorry dear, they're not my forte, so I have no idea. But I'm subbing your wonderful entry about the swollen knee smiley - winkeye
It's here: A13045817

smiley - magic

unusual subjects

Post 3


great, thanks smiley - biggrin

unusual subjects

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

So far, I have found only two minor things, give me a minute, and I'll sort them smiley - ok

unusual subjects

Post 5


Swollen knees? i am the worlds expert on such things; i shall smiley - run immediately to look. i won't; 'cos of the Bloody Knee. I shall hobble slowly & painfully.

Swollen ankles, now there's a subject.


unusual subjects

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

GB has done an entry about that: A13045934

smiley - smiley

unusual subjects

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - blushI had a lot of help!smiley - biggrin

All this subbing is making my headhurt, and I've no time for writing smiley - sadface
I've only got one entry left in PRsmiley - yikes

What have you done so far, S? Crystals, candles, spells, attracting love with spells and charms (I linked to that in one of the entries I subbedsmiley - ok)
smiley - erm what about some of the ingredients? Of the cauldron I mean smiley - winkeye
Oh, contents of the cauldron! What a smiley - magic entry!smiley - laugh

unusual subjects

Post 8


Ive got pending one on books of shadows, a holistic view of cherries, heamorrhoids and housemaids knee, still in review are the strange case of Esther Cox (about a scary poltergeist case),doreen valiente, and resident evil.

I must finsh the jersy devil one. im trying to do still odd but non magic entries at the mo as so many people dont like them.

unusual subjects

Post 9


"haemorrhoids & housemaids knee"

Ye gods, the things are connected? I suppose if you think logically, all that kneeling down, scrubbing's asking for trouble really.


unusual subjects

Post 10


How about the History of 'real life' vampires.

The above link may help to get you started.

unusual subjects

Post 11


smiley - rofl theyre two seperate entries terri

I'm pretty sure theres already an edited entry on vampires

unusual subjects

Post 12


Yes, there is a edited entrie about the vampire myth. I'm suggesting the reality. Real modern day vampires.

unusual subjects

Post 13


Hmmm possibly smiley - ta

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