This is the Message Centre for Serephina

I guess its official!

Post 41


I'm alright, thankssmiley - ok.

I've done a bit of dating this year, with limited success. I'm sort of seeing someone in a fairly casual way at the moment. I don't know whether it will go anywhere really, but he's good company and he likes taking me out to dinner, so I can put up with that for a whilesmiley - laugh.

I'm going on holiday to Canada next week with my Mumsmiley - smiley. Work's a bit c**p and my job is about to change (again!), but I'll worry about that after I've been away.


I guess its official!

Post 42


Hmmm when I first met Ged it was only supposed to be a casual fact I was only after a shag! smiley - rofl

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I guess its official!

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