This is the Message Centre for Serephina

I need a life

Post 21


Hiya, hope you're feeling better.

Does it help any to let you know you cheer me up at times with your posts ? You've got a wicked sense of humour and you usually raise a smiley - biggrin at this end.

I overheard a conversation at the supermarket once. A guy was trying to cheer up the (extremely bored-looking) checkout girl.

"Cheer Up", he said, "It might never happen"

She replied, "The only thing that cheers me up pal, is knowing that it will never happen with you"

smiley - laugh

I need a life

Post 22


Dare I ask which end your referring to? smiley - rofl

I need a life

Post 23


Dirty Girl !!!

Go and wash your mind out immediately. smiley - tongueout

I need a life

Post 24


Ive already been given a good scrubbing down today thanks

I need a life

Post 25

A Super Furry Animal

Were you the scrubber or the scrubbee?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

I need a life

Post 26


I was the scrubbee of course smiley - angel

I need a life

Post 27


RF, did you just call her a "scrubber" ?

I need a life

Post 28

aka Bel - A87832164

I looked that up smiley - doh

I need a life

Post 29

A Super Furry Animal

>> RF, did you just call her a "scrubber" ? <<

Of course not! I merely asked whether she was the giver, or the recipient, of the scrubbing action!

I would never call Serephina a scrubber...smiley - angel, me! smiley - biggrin

RFsmiley - evilgrin

I need a life

Post 30


Nah he'd call me a lot worse smiley - winkeye

I need a life

Post 31


Got the smiley - blues again today , pretty bad actually. Just want to cry for no real reason at all!

I need a life

Post 32


smiley - hug

I need a life

Post 33


smiley - ta

I won't get a real one till friday smiley - sadface

I need a life

Post 34


smiley - cheerup

At least you don't have to put down any toilet seat 'til then smiley - biggrin

Make a list of all the tiresome things you have to do when he's around. Like making coffee/tea, looking for the remote in the morning etc.

Give us a list of all the good things about getting a break from your partner.

Then, put on some slap, just for the sake of it. smiley - biggrin

I need a life

Post 35


I can't think of any good things smiley - erm apart from full control of the tv n the bathrooom always being free!

I need a life

Post 36


There you go. That's two.

I need a life

Post 37


I really cant think of anymore smiley - erm

I need a life

Post 38


Well, you can fart any time you like without destroying that aura of "lady-ness" smiley - winkeye

I need a life

Post 39


I do thayt anyway, I never 'had' an aura of ladiness smiley - laugh

I need a life

Post 40


Try re-reading the penis thread. See if there's any tips you can pick up for when he comes back.

Sod it, just re-read it anyway. It's good for a laugh and it'll probably take until Friday to read them all. smiley - laugh

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