This is the Message Centre for Serephina

This week..

Post 1


has been an odd one..but quite good too I spose!
watched a couple of good movies, spent saturday afternoon giving out flyers for my Ann Summers parties (no one called yet though),wonderfuly designed by Ged they were smiley - winkeye, and had the scary meeting with the family support person id been dreading which was actually really ok. I start a course of counselling tomorrow n theyre trying to find some interest groups for josh to start with. fantastically theres a kids st johns ambulance grop he cann join called the badgers! smiley - rofl also seems i wont be living just with josh must longer after a conversation this morning smiley - whistlesmiley - loveblush

This week..

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - bigeyes Will your mum move in with you ? smiley - roflsmiley - tongueout

This week..

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Oohhh!! Where's me smiley - witchs hat???

smiley - biggrin

This week..

Post 4


not mum thank god smiley - laugh

i bet you already knew we were talking like that didnt you lil smiley - witchsmiley - winkeye

This week..

Post 5


got the tuesday night smiley - blues now

who's gonna cheer me up?

smiley - winkeye

This week..

Post 6


Your meeting sounded really positive! smiley - ok I'm really pleased for you! smiley - hug

and if you want me to flyer about where I am let me know, I could do with the exercise!!smiley - laugh

smiley - bigeyes Can I still come round your house to talk about naughty stuff though? smiley - winkeye He'll have to hide while we have our b*tching moaning sessions and a cup 'o' tea! smiley - laugh

This week..

Post 7


course you can, ill just stick on the playstation n he'll go deaf smiley - winkeye

yeah if you could nag some people for me thatd be great! really need to get some bookings.

Got to disappear in a mo as ive a counselling appt at 12 at the parade n got to get to the post office n stuff first smiley - puff

This week..

Post 8


smiley - laugh I'm already having a party for you in May!! Can't nag any more people than I already am!

What I meant was I don't mind posting leaflets for you! smiley - biggrin

This week..

Post 9


Ahh but the party in may is just hens isnt it? nt allll your wonderful lady friends smiley - tongueout

I'll order some more leaflets then smiley - diva

This week..

Post 10

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Hiya up for a Blackpool hen party in June/July? No date has actually been set as yet though.

This week..

Post 11


oh could be!

This week..

Post 12

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother


The themes being banded around atm are:

70's smiley - yawn

80's smiley - yikes

Or...and this is the best idea I've come up with...going out to the clubs in our pyjama's!!! smiley - biggrin

This week..

Post 13


Yay! fabulous sexy jamas from Ann Summers of course smiley - winkeye

I'll have to see what the finances are like smiley - blue

This week..

Post 14

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

That's ok, but just for the record.

If you get up to Chester area, you will go in one of our cars up to Blackpool. You will share a room with someone (unless you want one on your own), and a friend of mine knows some good but cheap B&B's. The only cost will be that night.

Of course, we will also bring you back to Chester so you can get home from there. Will that help a little?

This week..

Post 15


Should do

All these people getting smiley - dead jealous! smiley - tongueout

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