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Sodding alarm!

Post 1


We recently had a new entry systemm installed in my block of flats.. all well n good, apart from the fact that if one of the main doors to the block isnt properly closed a high pitched whine emanates util it does, n of course being rigt by the door i get it louder than everyone else smiley - cross so anyeway, some arsehole has left the back door open again, only now its stuck n i cant pull it into place without going out the back n causing the same pprob getting back in ! really is the most irratatiing noise ever..

Sodding alarm!

Post 2


peace at last

smiley - zen

Sodding alarm!

Post 3

fords - number 1 all over heaven

They can be very annoying, but they keep the neds out!

Sodding alarm!

Post 4


smiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

Sodding alarm!

Post 5


I think josh may be becoming some variety of ned
smiley - erm hes convinced hes black n some sort of gangter rapper at the mo smiley - yikes

Sodding alarm!

Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

smiley - rofl

Sorry, but that's hilarious!

Sodding alarm!

Post 7


Josh still hasn't figured out that Ali G is a spoof. smiley - biggrin

I'm partly to blame, i should never of let in play GTA: San Andreas smiley - erm

Sodding alarm!

Post 8


It was funny to start with..smiley - ermjust cant get used to being called 'nigga g'instead of mum though! smiley - erm

hopefully he'll outgrow it!

Sodding alarm!

Post 9


Maybe he'll become a goth, then we can embaress him by telling his goth friends that he used to go round talking like gangsta

Sodding alarm!

Post 10


yeah thatd be cool smiley - laugh he does like slipknot so maybe theres hope for him yet!

Sodding alarm!

Post 11

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Does anyone watch Trailer Park Boys? There's a hilarious character called J-Roc who thinks he's a gangsta but before he discovered weed he was a smiley - geek

Sodding alarm!

Post 12


Never heard of it..Ill look out for it though!

Sodding alarm!

Post 13

fords - number 1 all over heaven

On Paramount at about 11 pm smiley - smiley

Sodding alarm!

Post 14


smiley - cheers

I never bother to check the guide to see whats on so end up missing loads smiley - doh

Sodding alarm!

Post 15

Brown Eyed Girl

If he likes Slipknot get him some stone sour to listen to! It's very similar and actualy two of the band members are in both bands. Plus I love them and they're underappreciated.

Sodding alarm!

Post 16


and cory taylor is a bit phwooar without the mask smiley - winkeye

ive only heard a couple of stonesour tracks but they were pretty good

Sodding alarm!

Post 17

Brown Eyed Girl

*filled with for Serephina*

Thankyou for having heard of them!

Sodding alarm!

Post 18


One of theirs was on the music channels on cable a lot a couple of years ago..think it mightve been called Inhale? i really liked it anyway..

Sodding alarm!

Post 19

Brown Eyed Girl

Yes, Inhale is good. I love the guitar riff at the beginning. smiley - biggrin

Sodding alarm!

Post 20


smiley - cool

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