This is the Message Centre for Serephina

As the nights draw in...

Post 41

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - grr wish I'd know that before I just spent time updating my PS to have it not be accepted by the 'system' smiley - grr lets try a line break
smiley - erm

As the nights draw in...

Post 42

aka Bel - A87832164

So it's not me being unable to edit my PS, it's the faulty system ? I'm very relieved to hear that smiley - puff

As the nights draw in...

Post 43

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

yesh, the hampsters are doing somethign weird I guess smiley - doh

As the nights draw in...

Post 44

You can call me TC

But I can't even post at all!

As the nights draw in...

Post 45

You can call me TC

Whoops - it worked! First post I've got through tonight since about 2 hours before I left work. It was most frustrating. So much to say and nothing getting through.

As the nights draw in...

Post 46


Always the way smiley - winkeye

Got to go see the chemist today n try n sort out the mixup the idiot assistants caused with my patches smiley - erm
I'm only smoking 7 or a 8 a day now ,not reducing as quick as idve liked smiley - erm but im gonna be brave and try anothe smoke free day tomorrow! smiley - yikes

As the nights draw in...

Post 47

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

You could just try cutting down more; seven or eight a day is pretty amazing in my opinion! smiley - yikessmiley - wow why not try reducing it to five? smiley - wowsmiley - goodluck

As the nights draw in...

Post 48


Because If I do that, it'll take forever and can
too easily creep up again! I need to stop.. whats the good inpoisoning yourself only afewtimes a day ? you're still poisoning yourself smiley - winkeye must be brave!

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