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Another broken mobile..

Post 21

A Super Furry Animal

If you take care of your mobile, there's no reason why it shouldn't last. The problem is really with the battery. Any rechargeable battery will deteriorate over time, to the extent that charging it will only last a day, or less with heavy usage. By the time this happens, your handset will be obsolete. If you're lucky, the manufacturer will have a standard battery size so you'll be able to buy a new battery for your handset. But as your service provider will probably give you a new, better phone *for free*, why pay for a battery?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Another broken mobile..

Post 22


not if your'e on pay as you go .. they wouldn't trust me with acontract..neither would I smiley - laugh

Another broken mobile..

Post 23

You can call me TC

Why do you need a new number? Surely the SIM card didn't get broken?

Another broken mobile..

Post 24


no, but the new phone came with a new card for a cheaper network smiley - smiley

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