This is the Message Centre for Ganja- campaign for the <marijuana> smiley

G'day Ganja ...

Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

ACE reporting ....

BTW we don't get mad - we get even!!! smiley - laugh

As you appear to be an experienced Researcher - please consider yourself ACEd smiley - winkeye

smiley - peacedove

G'day Ganja ...

Post 2

Ganja- campaign for the <marijuana> smiley

Thanks, that just sort of completes the whole picture for me. smiley - biggrin

G'day Ganja ...

Post 3

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Seriously, you know that if you need anything, (besides a smiley smiley - winkeye ) all you need to do is ask smiley - biggrin

G'day Ganja ...

Post 4

Ganja- campaign for the <marijuana> smiley


smiley - cheers

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