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A Dramatic Entrance

Post 1


...and I've got a job interview tomorrow, so I really shouldn't be sat up so late on the computer (it's nearly three am). The sad truth is, I get chronic insomnia and this whole contributing to the guide thing is therapy for me. If it wasn't for this I'd be worrying.

Truly, the internet is amazing. It has changed my life. It is the greatest learning tool there is. I don't actually care how flawed my posts are. It feels good to have my thoughts out there.

Wish me luck with the job interview. I'm quite nervous.

A Dramatic Entrance

Post 2


good luck smiley - smiley

What't the job?

A Dramatic Entrance

Post 3


Hi Spacemuse, Lots of luck with your job interview. What type of position is it? I would love to find some work using the computer - this way I could travel all over, not be stuck in a confined office (Quite Suffocating!) but still be doing productive things. That to me is ideal - a great combo of freedom and creating. Again, Happy Outcome!

A Dramatic Entrance

Post 4

Dark Inquisitor

Good luck ... if that's what it takes for your interview to result in great fortunes!

The internet is great, yes ... It allows you to potentially meet people that you didn't know existed, or extract a good recipee for long drinks.

Sorry to hear about your insomnia, though smiley - sadface The impact it has on your day can be, quite literally, drousing.
Best wishes,

A Dramatic Entrance

Post 5


Oy! Rage! And WHYYYYY haven't you posted anything on your webspace????

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