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easter arrgh

Post 1


hiya x thanks fo the recipe..sounds
..if i see another easter egg or bunny think ill scream..loln theres still another week of the dreaded easter hols left b4 school gives me some peace
just read ur intro..n must say wot a pig ur neighbour sounds! n i do completly share ur views! xx

easter arrgh

Post 2


Hope you have fun with it! smiley - smiley Your little one sounds very active. Would it be possible to set up a play session each day with other mothers? Maybe at the local park or schoolyard? smiley - ok This way the little ones can get rid of all that energy (or they could send some to me as I never have enough smiley - cry) by playing with each other. And you could get some Adult Time - which we all know is ESSENTIAL - by chatting with the other moms. smiley - biggrin Or perhaps you could take turns babysitting the group and sneak some time away for yourself! smiley - winkeye I'm sure you'll find ways to make it grand fun for all! smiley - wowsmiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon

easter arrgh

Post 3


lol.thata all wors if u know enough other mums..only a couple of my friends have kids n we dont find the time to meet up often

easter arrgh

Post 4


What about the kids he goes to school with? Maybe those moms could use a break. Or perhaps your church group? smiley - smiley Good luck smiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon

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