This is the Message Centre for NightVision_UK

I joined today also!

Post 1


Hi Spacemuse! I just signed up and believe I'm the latest "newbie"! I think this site is going to be a blast - quite replete with intelligent repartee and "brainiac" challenges. Do you write on a regular basis? What sort of topics compel you? After reviewing the online list, it is readily apparent that I must devise a much less mundane nickname. How did you create yours?

I joined today also!

Post 2


Hello new person smiley - smiley What a lovely message, thank you. I used to do a lot of writing, but kind of got out of the habit. It's really hard to say what kind of things I might write...all sorts of things inspire me really.

As for nicknames for me it was a kind of summing up of everything about me into one nickname. I don't think yours is mundane. Maybe something will inspire you in a flash and you'll find a nickname that just feels 'right' smiley - smileyI think thats generally how it works.

Best wishes

I joined today also!

Post 3


Love your graphics - how did you do that? Looks FANTASTIC smiley - bigeyes!! I've decided to wait awhile (just like the American Indians do) to "Baptize" myself with a new name on this site. smiley - smiley I think your observation is right on - when the flash hits I'll know it. smiley - wow And then I'll throw a large soiree, all the elite of the universe shall be invited to attend and we will celebrate smiley - bubbly My Rennaisance smiley - oksmiley - flyhi A bientot smiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon KAT

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