This is the Message Centre for blue_aardvark

A unique introduction ...

Post 1

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Hello and Welcome to H2G2! Name's Wargamer! H2G2 Addict, ACE, and lover of all things Warhammer! smiley - biggrin
Here's some links that I find useful, maybe you will too:
If you haven't read it alrady, The Welcome Page may be useful:
Or perhaps a special welcome from Douglas Adams:
If you liked the H2G2 books and/or TV series, or would just like to learn about the man who gave H2G2 to the world, try DNA's own homespace:
Got something really unique you want to claim as your own? Try the Keepers Page (Check the Railgun Award at the top! That's from me! smiley - wow):
Speaking of Railgun Award, if you'd like to earn one of your own, sned me an invention to The Think Tank:
Like the Smileys I've used? Then try the Smiley Page:

If you ever need any help in H2G2, or just fancy a chat, let me know by replying to this Message. Have Fun, and Happy Hitchhiking! smiley - ok

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A unique introduction ...

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