This is the Message Centre for Mr.Smooth-Talker - Keeper of the Golden Tongue of Pleasure, Gift of the Gab, Founder of the I Like and Love Myself Club

No Subject

Post 1


Hi Im trying to work
out how I can send you
some goes

No Subject

Post 2

Mr.Smooth-Talker - Keeper of the Golden Tongue of Pleasure, Gift of the Gab, Founder of the I Like and Love Myself Club

Didn't get them babe smiley - biggrin

Don't worry smiley - hug
I'm sure you'll work it out
smiley - smooch


Post 3


Good Morning Sexy,
its Saturday morning Just
going through my e-mails.
But I had to re-registrar?
When I logged my name did not
come up LOL.
Its going to be a nice sunny
day hopefully.
I am looking forward
to big longcuddles and
long kisses
to my horneysmiley - devil
from your naughtysmiley - nurse

you and me..together :0)

Post 4


Just thinking about you,when I will be able
to be in your arms again.
Sosmiley - cuddleso tightly and to
kiss so slowly.
If where music we couldsmiley - smoochtogther.
I have asmiley - biggrinon my face
as I think about it,and a smiley - loveblush
I just want to give you a big
smiley - hug.
I hope you do find a flat soon,
then we can spend some time
From your lovingsmiley - nurse
to my caring sexysmiley - devil
smiley - smiley
asmiley - rosefor you

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