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Extreme laughter.

Post 1

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

Man not are you only smart you are a comedian as well. lol
smiley - fullmoon

Extreme laughter.

Post 2


Thank you, much so. One tries!

Extreme laughter.

Post 3


Bon Jour mon cher, Comment ca va aujourd'hui? smiley - smiley You possess quite a resume for a creation of few chronological years ( Frame of Reference: Human). smiley - biggrin What sort of musician are you? smiley - cool How did you acquire such marvelous mobility on this smiley - earth? Oh, one more small thing smiley - cross: TREES are NOT RUDE ----- simply misunderstood smiley - sadface! If you're very nice to me (so far, so good smiley - ok) I'll share some secrets of communication. After all, I am one of their primary champions (appointed by higher powers smiley - angels smiley - wow!!!

Extreme laughter.

Post 4


Heh, heh, heh.
Well for starters, I sing (baritone) and I play the trumpet.
And for my resume... well, let's say my mind ages far faster than time moves. And what secrets of communication?
smiley - magic

Extreme laughter.

Post 5

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

l like the Drums meself. Never could get the hang of the guitar. Well as lond as l can make noice l'm Ok
smiley - fullmoon.

Extreme laughter.

Post 6


That's the way it should be.

Extreme laughter.

Post 7


Has Einstein heard your rendition about "Time and Aging"? smiley - laugh And to learn the secrets of communicating with trees one must pass a rigorous test! smiley - biggrin

Extreme laughter.

Post 8



Extreme laughter.

Post 9


How old are you, if you don't mind my asking?

Extreme laughter.

Post 10


Exactly what type of "ahh" is that? smiley - biggrin Dites-moi, s.v.p. mon ami smiley - laugh

Extreme laughter.

Post 11


I am indeed an ancient soul (3,217 to the third) - BUT - I don't look a day over 1,634 to the second! smiley - tickle

Extreme laughter.

Post 12


Indeed? My mind spans many lifetimes. I read too much, that's what it is, you know. But, well, thus is the price of knowledge.

Extreme laughter.

Post 13


Ak! No tickling!

Extreme laughter.

Post 14

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

:apologizes for nonresponce: Is itching allowed.
smiley - fullmoon

Extreme laughter.

Post 15



Extreme laughter.

Post 16

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

If you ever get a itch What do you? l'd find a Lady to scratch it. l pretty the ladies find a Man to do the same.
smiley - fullmoonsmiley - ghost

Extreme laughter.

Post 17

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

l Meant an Upper case L for the second Ladies in the Phrase.
smiley - fullmoonsmiley - ghost

Extreme laughter.

Post 18


ha! I would find someone, but alas, my search continues. Until then, I can touch my own back. *Grins*

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