A Conversation for Rules of Pub Bridge

Peer Review: A713170 - Rules of Pub Bridge

Post 1

Mu Beta

Entry: Rules of Pub Bridge - A713170
Author: Master B, Keeper of Useful Tools etc. - U190397

I didn't think it was great, but a more-experienced H2G2er said it had potential. Go on scouts, do your worst...


A713170 - Rules of Pub Bridge

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

I would love to comply with that offer smiley - winkeye --- if I only knew *anything* about bridge smiley - erm

A713170 - Rules of Pub Bridge

Post 3

Mu Beta

I think this is the problem - bridge players on h2g2 are far fewer and further between than I ever imagined. You're all too young, that's the problem (you know you're sad when you say that aged 22 smiley - biggrin).


A713170 - Rules of Pub Bridge

Post 4

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

yes, agreed!

A713170 - Rules of Pub Bridge

Post 5


"...a more-experienced H2G2er ..."

Is he talking about me? Surely not.

Only just spotted this thread, Master B. I thought the entry was good, but it's had a muted response here. In retrospect, it's probably a bad idea to put forward a joke entry that you need to understand bridge to get smiley - sadface (that is, a bad idea to put it forward for the edited guide, I don't mean a bad idea to write it). Nevertheless, I think your style's good, so you should be able to get something onto the front page.

A713170 - Rules of Pub Bridge

Post 6

Mu Beta

Yeah. I'll take this out. I've got two entries running through Sub-Ed as we speak (er...type), so God willing, they'll end up on the front page one day. A724169 and A713972, by the way.


A713170 - Rules of Pub Bridge

Post 7


Ooh, Wallace and Gromit. smiley - cool

A713170 - Rules of Pub Bridge

Post 8


B- thought about putting this into the Underguide? Get rid of John's page for Brum though- it's not there any more. Birmingham don't appear to have a website.

As an aside, R and I disagree with rule 12. We say *never* let a drunk person who thinks he knows a trick to show you. It will only end in bridge-interruption and possible beer spillage. And you might never get rid of them!

smiley - fairy

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