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Your head hurt

Post 1

Digby, a dog that barks.

Im troubled and confused. Considering yours is the only reply to anything I've writ. I been forced to analize these words with great scrutinity. Well that and that there isn't much else to due at 4 in the morning. What I've been pondering is if there is any possible way to take this in a good a way, and failing that if there is any possible way not to take this in a bad way. I've considered that it does mean that my words have not been spoken silently into the abyss of the web, but when I thought that was the case I still had the feeble belief that they were being contemplated by micro processors which were all having a goood laugh over them and sputtering back and forth with deep philisophical debates about the ramifications of a building a coffee shop in a closet. say things like 0000111 11110001 001001010 100100100 000101001 001001001 0100100 101111000 10100010100 100100101? and 1010010 100001 001010111 111110 101001001111 01001010 1001001 in their happy hexidecimal ways. Now their conversations would make ones head hurt but mine too. Alas... Please relize sweet lpop, you could lie to me and I never would have questioned it. Okay perhaps a bit but probabaly not.

Your head hurt

Post 2

Digby, a dog that barks.

Ihave taken your words into deeper consideration and with aid of the philosiphies of Thomas Khun, expressed in his 1967 work entitled, ' The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' I have come to the conclusion That mankinds' and Glasgonians' Paradigm of the universe is horrenedously inaccurate and that our only hope to once again gain a grasp on the cosmos, through a holistic aproach was to to preface my words with a Surgeon Generals type warning. I hope that in considering this revision you may once again attempt the pleasent task of rereading or rewording your response. Not to mention that since your TV is on the blink and class are done you may have the moments to spare. Oh yes and good luck in your occupational persuits. - yours Sincerly Cloudesley a man whose words are maightier than an analgeleseic(sp?- I even looked it up).

Your head hurt

Post 3

Digby, a dog that barks.

oh yeah and your words made ... wonder about hampsters named after kings with many wives...damm that doesnt make any sense... welll they made me loook at my TV Guide for insight, so there! and I've never heard of Judy and her neighbors.

Your head hurt

Post 4

Digby, a dog that barks.

Sorry I've made a terrible mistake I thought you had written that My word made your "head hurt" when in actuallity you worte that it made your "head sore". I'm sorry please disregaurd all my previous statments excpet that bit about the dietary properties of Tv guides, because in regards to that I am still curious, mind you not enough to try eating my guide, so I hoping to learn vicariously..

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