This is the Message Centre for District.Dogg

Ime here Ime here

Post 1

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Hi Ime Bob one of the ACEs (Assistant comunaty Editors) and GAs (Guardian Angels) just welcoming you to the site
if you have any problems or quiestions just ask and I will sort them out for you but for now here are some usefull links: =how to make all the smilys on the site =reserchers birthdays...register your birthday and people will remember =the welcome page you will alredy have seen this but may not have read it all = another welcome page with basically the same information but more links =aces padge =Guardian Angels =Guide ML clinic very usufull for decorationg you page

Ime here Ime here

Post 2


Hiya Mike,I've read the front page on how it tells you about this,but still not sure as if I have a msg from someone..How will I get it?..I've only been here a couple of times,alot different to LeisureDistrict.
Thanx for helping me xx

Ime here Ime here

Post 3

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

if they leave a new messadge it will appear on your space like this one did.
if it is in a onversation that you have ontributed to it appers in the list of current conversations (also in your space) but it only showes up the mot rechant positing so you have to look
I hope that makes sence and helps, and I am sorry for the spelling but I am dislexic so bear with me smiley - smiley
smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Ime here Ime here

Post 4


Thanx very much for your help,I'll have a proper bash at it sometime and go thru it all,thatz Ok..When I used to go on a Chat Site called LeisureDistrict you would think everyone is Dyslexic(don't know if I spelt that right)Anyway spelling isn't important,it's what you know that counts.Have you been coming to this site for a while?

Ime here Ime here

Post 5

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

a few onths after it started, in 99. it used to be a ltd compony then not the BBC. I have herd of lesure district, never eben there thoug.

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