This is the Message Centre for Natalie

media literacy

Post 1


We've been thinking about the role h2g2 plays in facilitating the BBC's remit to develop media literacy skills. We feel as if we see examples of it every day on the site and in the volunteer groups, but some really thoughtful examples have been posted in the thread in Ask h2g2: F19585?thread=6536971&skip=20&show=20

It's astonishing that some of you who appear to be super-users now had never encountered the Internet before h2g2! (Where's the smiley?)

Anyway...we hope you don't mind that we've made it the subject for this week's Talking Point at A50692683.

In fact, it probably makes sense to move the thread to the Entry. I wonder whether people *mind* being uprooted from one thread to another... I think it might be preferable to feeling they're being asked the same things all over again. Hmmm... smiley - erm

media literacy

Post 2

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I personally don't mind the thread being moved, and it's nice to be asked and informed. In fact I think it's a good idea to have continuity. I've seen previous talking points which were largely ignored, perhaps because there were quite vibrant discussions on the same subject that had 'had their day' and everyone had said all they wanted to already and didn't want to repeat it again.

media literacy

Post 3


Thanks lanzababy...OK I'll see if I can lift it over. smiley - winkeye

media literacy

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - wow

This Chardonnay's good stuff smiley - bubbly

I didn't feel a thing! *hic*

smiley - winkeye

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