A Conversation for Ireland Researchers

Help... pretty please ?

Post 1


Okay, this is my VERY first post here at h2g2. (Yes, I am expecting you to reply "Welcome !!" and so forth. Thank you smiley - winkeye )
I'm a student in France and I'll be coming over to Ireland on the 6th of April, as an apprentice (or whatever you call that in english) at the Cork CIT. The problem is, the Accomodation Office over there has to cope with about 700 apprentices from all over Europe or so I'm told. As a result I will be in great diffuculty finding somewhere to sleep at night.
So could any of you link me to CHEAP youth hostels (I was given some links, but I cannot afford 20 euros per night) or websites offering rooms to let, or anything else that wouldn't involve me sleeping in the street ?
As we say in these parts, merci d'avance !

Help... pretty please ?

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

I'd love to help but I live in Dublin.

Welcome to h2g2, Researcher 191732. If you intend to stay, I suggest you pick a good Nickname for yourself. Also, please write something on your Home Page. That way, we can welcome you properly.

Help... pretty please ?

Post 3

Demon Drawer

I'd love to help to but I come from the North even further away than Gnomon. smiley - smiley

Help... pretty please ?

Post 4


I really don't think you will find a hostel in Cork for less than Eur20. That's pretty much the going rate. Sorry I can't be more help!


Post 5


D'OH !!!
Thanks all the same, though !


Post 6


I am in Cork. I will send a mail to some students I know to find out more about the situation. I would think it will be difficult to get any place for less than 20 Eur.


Kewl !

Post 7


I appreciate that, thanks !

Kewl !

Post 8


eska, I have some info, but it's not looking that good. Many students are paying about 60 euro a day here smiley - sadface

Do you have an email address (it's best to set a temporary email up on Hotmail or Yahoo, and to mention it in your user page). I can then send what I have. It's not much.


Kewl !

Post 9


PS - did you contact the CIT accomodation office?


Post 10


It wasn't 60 euros a day, it was 60 euros a week. I assume that is for 5 days. Sorry for that...

s'ok, really

Post 11


I contacted the accomodation office, and they won't have anything 'till May or so, on account of having so many apprentices coming 'round smiley - sadface
I've just created a hotmail account at [email protected]. Thanks again !

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