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Post 1

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I read your Uconn article and think that it is excellent. I also read the comment posted in it that was quite appalling. I must say that your method of reply was masterfull.

I am Marv, been here quite a long time. Would be glad to point you to a few interesting places if you should so desire. I apologize that my grammar is horrendous (as is my spelling at times) but I am a networking geek who tends to think in ip addresses.

At any rate, I am glad to make your aquaintence.



Post 2


Thank you for your comment. I'm glad that you were appalled by the comments on my article. Really, it surprises me that the people who left those comments are capable of figuring out how to use a keyboard. Your grammar isn't bad, don't be too self-conscious of it. Besides, even if it were poor, it would only bother me if you were trying to be negative about my entry. Sorry for the delay in response, I never check my main page for comments. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to write. I appreciate the support.


Post 3

marvthegrate LtG KEA

It looked like support was possibly needed after a very poor attack by an idiot.

The world is full of idiots that have managed to work out how to bang at keys in such a way as to make someone else respond.

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