This is the Message Centre for kow


Post 1


hi hun,

I'm just wondering if your an old LDer? i'm sure you are but i've spent sooooo long tonight looking for stuff relating to it my eyes have gone to hello lol.

I used to go on quite a bit before it ended.

let me know

i used to be a number of names from juicyfruit to lucy273


Post 2


Well I dunno about old.LOL But I am an ex-LDer, used the library mainly. A814303 is the list of other ex-LDer's, IIRC.


Post 3


I can remember your name smiley - biggrin

It's a pity is went off coz I used to enjoy it, I did try that yoome2 but didn't like it as much and then we changed to sky and then changed my e mail address, so I lost touch with everyone.

It's a pity coz even though it sounds sad and stupid LD and the people on there helped me through some really bad times and I'd love for them to know that I'm ok now.



Post 4


Well I don't know who you're wanting to get in touch with but there's an email group on Yahoo that some are subscribed to. Try searching for h2ldf in Yahoo groups.smiley - smiley

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