This is the Message Centre for TENBOB


Post 1


hi out there.. i'm new to this gadget... old of L.D., family room mostly but did a bit of roaming... not sure what to do in here... anyone help... thanx.....


Post 2


hi there
bet your wondering who I am
you may no me by the user name debibrwn
I saw your name and thought I would send you a HELLO
good to see another LD user in here
how'v you been these day's


Post 3


hi there, yes i remember your name hun.... how are you... i'm still getting the hang of this... lol..... thanx for replying....xxxxxx


Post 4


HI THERE smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin
we must be online at the same time
It's good to see that name again
this site can be very complicated at 1st
but trust me.....................once you get the hang of it, you will like it alot
hope your doing good and well
catch you later==============> smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints


Post 5


i'll soon get the hang, i hope... lol.... catch you later


Post 6

stoopid cupid

hiya hun..its scrambled-eggs from ld :_D


Post 7


hi there, how's you?? i'm trying to get the hang of this i'm on it thru an e.mail link.... good to hear from you.... xxxxxx


Post 8

stoopid cupid

yeah i got the e.mail link too..its very hard work at first, i still dont know what i'm doing lol smiley - biggrin


Post 9


hi hun.... i never know what i'm doing... lol... i'm slowly finding my way round.... i read the help thingy but it just confused me more... lol..... what you been up to lately.....xxxxxx


Post 10


Hi hon, not sure if you can remember me,
i was a L,D user too, used the name i use
now, but it was slightly differant.
i alway,s went into the family room, and had
a large no of good friend,s, Debbie {debibrwn}
was and still is a great friend,we still call
each other sis lol, along with smurf14,
francatbaloo,her bro Paul, and many more.
hope to hear from you soon.


Post 11


hello to you... i just can't place the name hun, but that doesn't mean we've never chatted.... i used to go into family mostly too, so there's a good chance we did chat.... i used the name i'm using now..
what's the weather doing near you today (tuesday).... it's really wet n grey here in lancashire.... i want my sunshine back... lol..... take care, blessed be.... xxxx

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - witch


Post 12


its not that hard, put ld in your search and find all the ex lders, it can be a bit mad at first, its a big place, but stick in there and you'l get the hang


Post 13


hi there... i'm learning new tricks everyday here.... smiley - smiley
yes, i've had a rummage round for old l.d.ers.... thanx for the reply.... take care.... smiley - zoomsmiley - zoom

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