This is the Message Centre for TENBOB


Post 1

Researcher xscorpx

hi tenbob,, im not saying if i remember tenbobs, ithink i was about 8 when changed to decimal smiley - smiley
if your still going about, it would be nice to hear from you as im new to this and dont have ne pals here yet (sob) smiley - angel


Post 2

ESSEXgirlie..aka ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT..

hiya peeps name on ld was
dont suppose ne1 remembers me sob sob lol
wudnt blame ya ne way hehehe


Post 3

Essexman34.ex LEISURE DISTRICT user & Nicholas cage look a like

hello i think i know u from LD Lol.
i found that link 2 c whos on line smiley - biggrin
wot do u think of my space :o)
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco


Post 4


hi hun long time no chat :o)
howz things with u love? hope ur well n got ur love life sorted u must b 2 hear from u soon xxx

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