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im in here cos ldchat is down

Post 1


no the feelin` no 1 wants to chat
2 u then,they all come chattin`
2 u at once...i have a severe meltdown
especially if im now,
dont show on here.
if u wanna chat ne1 im on ldchat.

vallentino on here 111 on chat

im in here cos ldchat is down

Post 2

lost in space

hi john hows u i sent u some e.mail did
you get it anne would you like a
smiley - stiffdrink

im in here cos ldchat is down

Post 3


hi anne,no email yet n this is still confusing

im in here cos ldchat is down

Post 4

lost in space

just stay in here now and i will help you out

vallentino 111

Post 5

lost in space

hi are you still there john

im in here cos ldchat is down

Post 6

lost in space

are you still there john anne

im in here cos ldchat is down

Post 7

lost in space

hi john have you got lost again
sit down and hava smiley - stiffdrink

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