This is the Message Centre for Mike the vampire


Post 1


Hi chuck!smiley - smiley
You need to put a bit more stuff in your personal space!Lol...
I aint been on here for ages & well I think I'm kinda getting the hang of things now!smiley - laugh
I hear you spoke to my bro last night on LD?smiley - tongueout Lol...
Did you swear at him? He shouldnt of been on my U/Name.

What ya been up to? I've got the worst headache ever!!!!smiley - headhurts
How's your love life going BTW? I've not asked that in ages,you guys still together or you got someone diff?smiley - laugh

Have some smiley - bubbly on me!Lmao..
Or do you just want an smiley - oj!HaHa

Anyways I'm a bit sleepy right nowsmiley - sleepysmiley - zzz so I'll catch ya later
smiley - cuddle

Luv u know who...

Celine AkA,..No.1 P!NK FAN.
smiley - angel
smiley - fullmoonsmiley - planetsmiley - star
smiley - aliensmile


you so crazy lol

Post 2

Mike the vampire

I'm still wiv jac but laura wanted to ask me out xxxxxxxx,I did kinda snap at ur bro xxxxxxxx

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