This is the Message Centre for U190482

Lord Smooth

Post 1

Researcher Marj

Getting clever with the numbers aren't we, yes the sum was correct, I nearly wrote corrupt, now why would that enter my head, Cheers marj

Lord Smooth

Post 2


smiley - huh
Thanks very much,Im Not really to sure what your talking about?
smiley - biggrin

Lord Smooth

Lord Smooth

Post 3

Researcher Marj

Why Nonsense isn't that what most people on here talk about especially Lords. Marj

Lord Smooth

Post 4


smiley - smiley
Well I have been known to talk some in my time, Thats why im a lord

Lord Smooth

Lord Smooth

Post 5

Researcher Marj

EXACTLY! don't presume again it is not Lordly Marj

Lord Smooth

Post 6


You do seem very wise in your words Researcher Marj.
However I spent Five Years, studying Lordship, and came top of my year!smiley - tongueoutsmiley - biggrin#

Lord Smooth

Lord Smooth

Post 7


You do seem very wise in your words Researcher Marj.
However I spent Five Years, studying Lordship, and came top of my year!smiley - tongueoutsmiley - biggrin#

Lord Smooth

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