This is the Message Centre for Mu Beta

Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 1


Hi there,

I haven't spoken to you in a while, but you may know me better as Terran, during the Everton article. Well my name has changed, but little else has.

Anyway, to get to the point, I have been thinking alot about your tuit's, or more to the point the thing you make them with, or even more directly to the point being able to use the table tag to draw pictures on h2g2.

Now as you are aware, it is not possible to import pictures on to h2g2. However I have recently seen around h2g2 some very high quality tag pictures (a canada flag, a dolphin and some other things). I myself made an Everton picture which I was quite proud of.

Now what I was wondering was, what you would think about setting up a group on h2g2 for people who make images. I don't know how this would effect your tuit making factory, but I think you have a lot of knowledge to teach others in this area. What do you think?

Verc smiley - fullmoon(formerly Terransmiley - earth)

Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 2

Mu Beta

Well, I have to say, I'd virtually given up on the tuit thing recently - I just haven't got the time. I'm quite happy to let you use the page as an example, though - as long as people stop emailing me with orders.smiley - biggrin

If you're setting up a group of Table artists, make sure you talk to Ralph (U206198), he of the light-saber design.smiley - ok


Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 3


If you don't mind me using your personal space, I'll get him to come over here. smiley - ok

Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 4

Mu Beta

Fine, I'll play host.smiley - biggrin

*makes cups of smiley - tea and puts down coasters*


Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 5


Are there any other famous tag artists you can think of whom I could invite?smiley - erm

Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 6

Mu Beta

Offhand, I can't think of any.

There was a big fad for table-art last summer, but it seems to have died down a bit since.


Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 7


"If you build it they will come" smiley - winkeye

I'll have a look around, and see if I can coax a few people to get involved. In the mean time I'll have to set up a guide entry for the group when I've got a bit more time smiley - smiley

Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 8


I think I'm going to compile a list of examples of table tag art. If you can find any links to examples I would be greatful smiley - ok

Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 9


Is it cheating if you use a webtool to generate the code for your table art? All my little icon-sized pictures were done that way. It still takes a little skill or talent -- I'm especially proud of my tiny Dr Pepper can -- but doesn't require any knowledge of coding.

Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 10


*Whispers* I think thats how most people do it smiley - winkeye, though I usually tinker with it afterwards to try and make it as good as possible. Do you use the one made by Twinkle?

Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 11

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - magicArriving as promised!
As to other table artists, try Wargamer. He does some to! He is at U188882

Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 12

Mu Beta

On the ethical note - I believe it is fine to use a webtool, with the proviso that you would be quite capable of programming it independdently, but you're too idle.smiley - biggrin


Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 13

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Or at least capable of figuring it out if you set your mind to it.

Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 14

Mu Beta

Precisely smiley - ok


Ah! Master-B I presume...

Post 15

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

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