This is the Message Centre for thirdeyeman

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 1


Hello Thirdeyeman and a warm welcome to h2g2smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - towelhere's your towel keep it with you and remember I'm here or any if i'm not around one of the other Aces or another member of h2g2(there all a friendly bunch) are here to help just ask smiley - yikessmiley - zen

I'm intern one of the Aces (assistant community editors)we are real researchers not automated service so feel free to talk to any of us any time smiley - oksmiley - cool

why am i here i have dropped to to welcome you to h2g2 and also give you some links to help you get around h2g2 there on my links page here.. A1059842 just click the link it will take you to the page please feel free to use it as much or as little as you like smiley - erm

Time for a break would you like..smiley - ojsmiley - teasmiley - coffeesmiley - cakesmiley - crispssmiley - popcorn...smiley - ok

If you have any problems or want to have a wonder to my corner of h2g2 my links here U191348 use any links if you want to while you are there leave me a message scroll down the page until you see discuss this entrysmiley - evilgrin

once again welcome to h2g2 hope to see you around remember any problems or you want to know how to do something I'm here to helpsmiley - ok

byeee for now smiley - bubbly and remember smiley - dontpanic

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Hello and welcome to h2g2

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