This is the Message Centre for lonemoose
not such a lone moose...
Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter... Started conversation Feb 26, 2002
Hello! For a while I thought i was the only moose on H2G2... But now i'm not! Yeah!
not such a lone moose...
Happy Little Elf - Who's your favourite Dave? Posted Mar 4, 2002
Justy thought I'd pop in and wonder wheteher or not your different peopel
not such a lone moose...
lonemoose Posted Mar 4, 2002
If what you mean is what I think you mean, then yes, myself and purple moose are indeed completely seperate entities.
not such a lone moose...
Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter... Posted Mar 5, 2002
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not such a lone moose...
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