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doesn't anyone care!!

Post 1

The dark lord of zen, muse of the silent thinkers and the ultimate peril of the universe

so doesn't anyone like me. don't you want to send me your funnys. DO I REALLY SMELL THAT MUCH!!!

Oh well I am destined to be on my own forever and ever.

What if I paid.

I will give trades for jokes and riddles.

Anything you want. PLEASE HELP!!

People do care, but we have a lot on our plates as well.

Post 2


I know how you feel. Depressing, isn't it, when you spend hours working on a journal entry then no one reads it. Especially when you know people who get loads of replies. The only way of getting round this that I have come up with is to keep a record of your entries and post them on a special interest site.

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