This is the Message Centre for Researcher jaw25yo

Just a little something....

Post 1

Researcher jaw25yo

I have only been on this site for all for a few days, but I have taken part in conversations, some serious (see tribute to Douglas Adams) to the more obscure (talking to trees. I felt compelled to write my own entry, and since I thought it was a neglected subject in the guide I wrote it (Drag Queens. It was written about 11 hours ago, but people are hitting onto the subject already.

I am really amazed on how quickly things move here.

I really hope this site is here for many years to come.

Just a little something....

Post 2

lw - ck

You need to update your space so people can talk to you. Do this by clcik the "edit my space" button. Include whatever you want, because as soon as there is something up there people can create conversations on your space. Glad your enjoying the site smiley - ok

smiley - winkeye
smiley - angelCKsmiley - devil

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