This is the Message Centre for Mcnala - Sailing, an addiction!

Sailing and space travel

Post 1

Mcnala - Sailing, an addiction!

Some say that space traveling is the ultimate way of hiking! Well, is there any better way to do space traveling, while waiting for a hike, here on earth than sailing?

After reading the guide three times, I've discovered that space hiking is very close to sailing. It's bumpy at times, one meets other humanoids and dogs, one can relax depending on ones mood and weather, and one is very often competiting against other bigger and better sailing boats!

I most say that Slartibartfast has made a pretty good job, when it comes to the Norwegian fjords. The are lovely to sail in! I've sailed them now for aprox. 20 years and they still don't bore me. Though sailing the English channel is quite exciting too! You never know what is on the other side of the next wave. Especially between Dover and Calais!

Sailing and space travel

Post 2

fords - number 1 all over heaven

So you're a keen sailor then? I did a bit of that in France - nothing so grand as Norway but it was nice... smiley - smiley Might be a stupid question, but do you sail one of those yacht thingys?

Anyway! I'm also here to welcome you to the wonderful world of h2g2 and offer my help in any way I can! If you would like to click on my name above, it will take you to my Personal Space, where you will find lots of lovely links to help you, and indeed some clubs and stuff you may well wish to join smiley - biggrin. Any questions? All you need to do is ask!

Sailing and space travel

Post 3

Mcnala - Sailing, an addiction!

Aye, but of course it's all about sailing! I haven't quite managed to hitch a hike yet, so in the mean while I'll be happy sailing.

About the Scottish reaserchers club, I'm Scottish, but live in Norway, and wounder if it's primerely for people living in Scotland?

Sailing and space travel

Post 4

fords - number 1 all over heaven

A Scot living in Norway? What are you doing out there? Anything nice?

Of course you can join the Scottish Researchers Group! smiley - biggrin Exiles are always welcome, although you may find it hard to attend the meets? Whereabouts are you originally from?

Sailing and space travel

Post 5

Mcnala - Sailing, an addiction!

The reason that I'm here is becaus I took a wrong left turn! smiley - snowman I thought I was on my way to the restaurant at the end of the univserse... I can't be far off though!smiley - winkeye

Origianally I'm from Glasgow, smiley - smileybut that's way back. I have more memories from Largs and South Africa! And your self, are you from Edinburgh?

Sailing and space travel

Post 6


Hi there, sorry to butt in if this is a private conversation...

smiley - ermOk, no I'm not sorry at all, after all, there's no such thing as a private conversation on H2G2, we're all far too nosy for that...smiley - winkeye

Just thought I'd say welcome to the madhouse and point you in the direction of someone who might have a little in common with you...

I just saw that you were a Scotsman lost in Norway and thought you might want to do a swap with another researcher...

Lost in Scotland (U178076)

He's a Swede, (ok not exactly the same I know) who's currently living in Greenock...

By the way, hope you keep working on the article on sailing - looks like it could be excellent

See you around the site


Sailing and space travel

Post 7

Mcnala - Sailing, an addiction!

Hi Whisky,

If conversations were private, then why have the open for every hitchhiker, Zaphod or Slartibartfast?smiley - huh

Thank for your comment on my article on sailing. I guess I will keep on. Are you a sailing fan, had any interesting sailing experiences?

Anyway when it come to Swedes, well, they are, sort of in a way, looked a pone, by Norwegians, as the English are by Scots! smiley - erm May I explain no more... I've lived here for aprox. 18 years, so I've adapted to this point of view... Though there is one big difference, the Norwegians do support the Swedish football team when they play. Isn't that strange?smiley - huh I'll give him a smiley - whistle and see if we're from the same planet, or on the same ship, or however the saying goes.

smiley - cheers and keep up the good scouting

Sailing and space travel

Post 8


Haven't had an awful lot of sailing experience, apart from crossing the english channel in godawful weather in a 35 foot yacht four times in a fortnight and spending a day crewing on an Arab Dhow sailing out of some little place in Oman (at least I think we were in Oman).

However, I did spend five years on and off at sea, but mostly in big grey ships with guns poking out of the front end smiley - winkeye.. Definately not as close to nature, but a darn sight more comfortable than standing on the cabin walls of a yacht in the middle of a gale.

Sailing and space travel

Post 9

Mcnala - Sailing, an addiction!

I've been on a boat that had a gun pointing straight ahead up in the north of Norway.smiley - groan Not much comfort onboard there that I can remember, but then again it wasn't bigger than aprox. 120 feet! And the weather up in the north is cold and windy most of the time. Or so I remember it. I still get a little nausea when I think back at the diesel smoke that came at start up.smiley - ill

But then again I would never say that the army is better than the navy!smiley - winkeye

Sailing and space travel

Post 10

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Now, how does that saying go...? Join the army, be a man. Join the navy, feel a man! smiley - winkeye

Not that I'm suggesting anything of course! smiley - biggrin

Sailing and space travel

Post 11


Actually, the phrase used by sailors goes more along the lines of..

Anything female with two legs and most things with four legs as well!

smiley - runsmiley - sheep

Sailing and space travel

Post 12

fords - number 1 all over heaven

smiley - laugh

Sailing and space travel

Post 13

Mcnala - Sailing, an addiction!

Yepp, you've been a sailor... smiley - biggrin

I alway wondered why the sheep farmers were sceptiacal to sailors, before I joind the navy to see the sea...!

Sailing and space travel

Post 14


smiley - erm ... confesion time coming up...

I spent five years in the navy, followed by three years living in a tiny village with 27 inhabitants and 5000 sheep....

Do you think I need to see someone about my problems...

Sailing and space travel

Post 15

Mcnala - Sailing, an addiction!

It usually doesn't help talking to strangers about it... What do the yanks say: Be there, done that!

My advice would be to not look at it as a problem, it's more like a lifestyle. That's what I always said to myself until I moved too the city...

...not many sheep in the city...

Sailing and space travel

Post 16

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Thank god! smiley - biggrin Sheep suck...

Sailing and space travel

Post 17

Mcnala - Sailing, an addiction!

How would you know?smiley - huh

Sailing and space travel

Post 18

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'm from the country. Please pity me. smiley - cry

Sailing and space travel

Post 19

Mcnala - Sailing, an addiction!

From the country you say, and you wish for people to pity you, my oh my, you haven't lived in the country long enough! smiley - whistle

...for if you had, you wouldn't know why people pitied you! Give you all the strange looks,smiley - huh and never ask you to a, so call, civilised party! ...whatever that is?smiley - cheers

Sailing and space travel

Post 20

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Yeah, the country sucks. No parties, dodgy village pubs where the people stare if you bring a mate from college to the bar...full of weirdos - except me?! smiley - huh

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