A Conversation for Tips for Best Man Speeches

Standing ovation, thanks guys!

Post 1


The adrenaline and rush of confidence after giving my Best Man speech on Friday was something special thanks to the info on this forum smiley - biggrin(thanks guys) and Speech Success (http://www.speechsuccess.com/best-man-speeches.html) where I got my speech, their secret tips and sample speeches were sublime. I had a great day that will live with me forever, so best of luck to all Best Men out there, try not to worry too much you will have a great day too I'm sure.

Standing ovation, thanks guys!

Post 2


That's great, what type of speech did you give? Did you focus on humour or was it a more sincere type of Best Man speech that won you your standing ovation?smiley - bubbly

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Standing ovation, thanks guys!

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