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I told you I couldn't keep away...

Post 21

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oo a holiday sounds nice smiley - envy
And we all know you really came back and popped in just to check on me... smiley - snorksmiley - winkeye
It is strange with H2G2, its 'stickyness', although each day which goes by seems to see the site gradually getting older and older and furhter behind with where the internet has moved to since 1999 ... but there's something about it... smiley - weird Maybe nostalga I dunno smiley - weird Nice to see some of the ..... more 'experianced' (OK I dind't want to say 'older') reasearchers still about smiley - zensmiley - ale

I told you I couldn't keep away...

Post 22


You know, it's funny; as I don't remember Rupert my brain never lets me think of myself as an older Researcher. Not you, certainly, but not part of the priviledged few. smiley - silly

smiley - fairy

I told you I couldn't keep away...

Post 23

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well your u number isn't that* much higher than mine, you must have been fairly soon after rupert... I kind of registered in the old days pre BBC, but never did anything... then rediscovered the site again during rupert, and then forgot about it until I came across the bookmark and it was post-rupert so joined again smiley - huhsmiley - weirdsmiley - blushsmiley - senior
I got a bit of a shock the other day, when I looked back at the meet pages, and realised just how long ago now since I took over organising them afte the Italics stopped... I really didn't think I'd been doing it that* long smiley - blush Hmmm... actually it must be about nine years or more since I first went along to a meet... The one in Manchester I think... smiley - yikessmiley - ale

2legs- drunk with online friends since 2001. smiley - snorksmiley - angel

I told you I couldn't keep away...

Post 24


"Not you, certainly, but not part of the priviledged few."
Not *new*, rather.

I joined in December 2001 and went to my first meet in 2002, Reading, then Oxford, then I went to Uni and the Birmingham meets happened. I only missed Rupert by a few months.

h2g2 has been in a low-Italic state for a really long time now. But anyway, this isn't going to be a 'when I was a lad' conversation. The grass is just as green as it was before, it's just a slightly different shade.

smiley - fairy

I told you I couldn't keep away...

Post 25


We do seem to keep coming back don't we?

smiley - rose

I told you I couldn't keep away...

Post 26


Hello Pastey! Long time no see *waves*

I told you I couldn't keep away...

Post 27


It has been a while! smiley - biggrin

smiley - fairy

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