This is the Message Centre for Vip


Post 1


So the job sucked.

And now I'm unemployed again. *cue violins* *cue me breaking said violins with a hammer* Still. No great loss. Just a shame that they asked me to leave (whilst being as nice as they could about it, bless 'em) before I got to resign.

Not a lot else to tell, really. Leeds is still as good as a city can be, I'm playing a lot of FFX and starting to play my clarinet again now I have more time. Which is good.

Oh, and drinking some Old Peculiar. Mmm, .

So, how are you guys, anyway? Long time no squeak for most of you. *slapd wrist*


Post 2


*is tempted to mug Vip for the bottle of Old Peculiar*


Post 3

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

Eee, lass tha's real beer!

smiley - cheers


Post 4

Mu Beta

**Is tempted to peculier Vip for an old mug**



Post 5


No! Mine, I say, mine! *slaps all wrists*

*breaks open the Hobgoblin to add insult to injury*

smiley - ale

smiley - fairy

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