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An update. Yeah, it's late.

Post 1


Alright, alright, I'm sorry. I know it's been ages. In fact, it's beem so long and I've been so lax at keeping in touch with RL people that they barely know what's going on. Including people (like acidoverride) who really should know stuff.

Right. I finally got my contract from work through the post. I can now say with certainty (and fill in forms for houses and such) that I have a job, working for Capita Finance. Whether or not this is as good a thing as I'm hoping, who knows. I'll keep y'all updated. I start there on the 30th May, which is just after the Bank Holiday (or after Cambridge beer festival, if you're of that persuasion).

Last week I spent a few days crashing with the ever delightful Airinshaw. This allowed Richard and I time to drive round (okay, he did the driving, I did the navigating) and Find Us A House. This is scary for several reasons. 1. We have/had no idea what Leeds was like. 2. R hasn't been lucky with his job hunting yet. 3. We've never lived with only two people before- it's always been a few friends. Or yeah, and we've never actually lived (properly) with each other before. I may effectively live at his house, but it's still not the same. Hopefully the combination of the above shouldn't result in us getting along less well than we'd like. At least all of our stuff will be in the same house, at any rate. smiley - smiley

So, yeah, timescales. This is my final week at work. Next week I have taken my last five days of holiday to ensure I have a week to move. Then the next week... I start at Capita. We haven't figured out when we're moving yet. I'll have to be there for the start of work but I think we're doing most of the bulky moving the next weekend. Plenty of floor space though. smiley - smiley As long as I'm not without electricity I'm sure it'll be fine!

So, yeah. All exciting. All strange. Not quite sure that it's all sunk in yet, to be honest. Still. Lots of plans. I need to find badminton and bridge partners, a storytelling group, a self sufficiency society and who knows what else. I've found a choir already (who seemed very positive and friendly so I'd better not let them down!), so that's a step in the right direction.


What else have I been up to recently? *thinks* Y'know, not a lot. Work has been winding down as I transfer more and more across to the chap who'll be taking over from me. Outside I haven't been doing much- watching stuff and playing a few things. Von has been showing me SGA, and I have been showing her Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. It's all been very Leeds-centric, and I've not really been paying too much attention to other things. Hey ho.

So, yes. Leeds. Exciting. Not sure when I'll have an internet connection up and running, but I'll let you know when I do, if I don't post again before that. smiley - smiley



An update. Yeah, it's late.

Post 2

Fashion Cat

Best of luck with it all sweetie! Sounds like I'll miss bumping into you though... Ne'er mind. I'm sure there will be other chances! smiley - biggrin

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An update. Yeah, it's late.

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