This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~


Post 1

Evoot - Back in Black!!

are u still speaking to me?? smiley - cry

jus u dont e-mail nemore smiley - sadface

smiley - wah xx


Post 2

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

i was just on my way round to see you.My digi box broke on sunday & i only got a new one yesturday.Me Missed YOU smiley - kiss


Post 3

Evoot - Back in Black!!

it broke??? awww i see, wat u been doing with it?? lmao (joke) xx

me has missed ya tooo smiley - sadface

smiley - kiss


Post 4

Metal Messiah

just playing on my guitar, writting lyrics for new song & work, quiet a boring week really & ive got a cold, right where was i people keep ringin me.Ive lost all my emails so any replys youve sent ive not seen.Apart from that everythings luvly jubly smiley - kiss


Post 5

Evoot - Back in Black!!

glad everythings oksee for ya hunnny...

nowt better for e smiley - crysmiley - cry

is ur addy the same?

smiley - kiss


Post 6

Metal Messiah

yeah ive got the same addysmiley - smileysmiley - kiss


Post 7

Evoot - Back in Black!!

Kooolsee, ill e-mail u later, cos i miss our ikkle 'chat' lol ;O) xx

smiley - kiss


Post 8

Metal Messiah

lol which one? smiley - biggrin


Post 9

Evoot - Back in Black!!

ceratin e-mail called'mmmm' chat , lol

u member ?? lol xx

smiley - smooch


Post 10

Metal Messiah

mmmmmmm... how could i forget, why was it that good? I thought it didnt effect you. nawty smiley - kiss's


Post 11

Evoot - Back in Black!!

it didnt affect me,lol, jus interesting, hee heee puurrr xx

long tongy smiley - kisses


Post 12

Metal Messiah

lol u tell fibs tehehe.Long toungey ones??mmmmmm me like..lolsmiley - kiss


Post 13

Evoot - Back in Black!!

i do not tell fibs hunny, grrr...... wud been nice if........... wer real, tee heee

more long toungy onessmiley - kiss



Post 14

Metal Messiah

mmmm now that would be nice, mmmmmmm.....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Theirs lots more to learn yet lol.Slow, long, wet smiley - kiss's


Post 15

Evoot - Back in Black!!

wudnt it xxx

i cud imagie me dressed up as a kinky vamp,lmao.. and u sat there,lol xx

tell me more wat theres to learn then, hee hee

smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 16

Metal Messiah

mmmmm all that nice clothing youve got.Im going to email u now if i can remember ur addy.If u dressed as a kinky vamp I wouldnt be just sitting their smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 17

Evoot - Back in Black!!

my addy is [email protected] or [email protected] uk

mmmmmm... i have loads stuff hun, alot ive thought of myself, i dont think ud be sitting there too,lol

ud be very elsewhere,lol


Post 18

Metal Messiah

uv got mailsmiley - smiley you wouldnt be wearing it for long anywaysmiley - smiley


Post 19

Evoot - Back in Black!!

ive answered 1st one u sent xx

yep, i prob wudnt cos itd be riped off quickly cos wat ya like,lol x


Post 20

Metal Messiah

things are getting a bit hot in the mmmmm.. mailsmiley - kiss

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