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New iMac question

Post 1


My old Mac developed age related problems and, rather than spend more to fix it, I decided to put the money towards a new one.
Owing to the aforementioned owies in the old machine the migration assistant was unable to move the old soul into the new body. This is not all bad since the old machine has ten years worth of crud in it, much of which I don't use anymore and don't want moved.

My problem is that many of my drawings and writing was done on the AppleWorks software which is obsolete and not included in the new computer, nor is it available in the App store. So, how do I get it out of the old Mac and into the new or, better yet, where can I find new improved drawing software that can read AppleWorks files?

New iMac question

Post 2

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

Hi Tumsup

It seems from Apple discussions that AppleWorks documents can be opened with Pages (word processing), Keynote (presentation) and Numbers (spreadsheet). Drawing documents can be opened with something called EasyDraw - http://www.eazydraw.net/ or Intaglio - http://purgatorydesign.com/Intaglio/index.html . Both cost a pretty penny.

Here is the conversation the above came from - https://discussions.apple.com/message/15482323#15482323

Have you tried Gimp - http://www.gimp.org/macintosh/ which runs in the X11 Unix environment. This comes fully working in OSX up to Lion - http://www.apple.com/uk/macosx/apps/all.html#x11

Sorry about all the links.


New iMac question

Post 3


A quick google brought up this:


which seems to offer some degree of hope... at a cost.
Good luck.

New iMac question

Post 4


smiley - simpost

Sorry, I was busy goggling at the question...

New iMac question

Post 5

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

It might even be worth a punt with Open Office/Neo Office.


New iMac question

Post 6


Thanks for the help everyone. I will get on it when I get home. I'm using a friends mobile just now.smiley - hug

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