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Replacing CD-in board on 17" PowerBook

Post 1

Leaping Badger

Hi all, hope you don't mind me asking another question.

I got a second-hand 17" Aluminium PowerBook G4 1GHz a couple of months ago, and not long after that, it stopped charging up. I knew that it had been dropped a couple of years earlier onto the DC-in socket when the lead was plugged in, and that had caused some damage. So it's just bad luck that it stopped charging after I got it.

I have taken it apart a couple of times, removed the DC-in board and replaced it, to make sure that it is properly seated. The first time, the computer powered up fine and worked for a few hours, until I restarted it. Then it would no longer power up. The second time, nothing happened.

I have just taken it in to the nearest Apple shop, and they think it is most likely the CD-in board which is faulty. I have searched around online, and have found this: http://www.applemacparts.co.uk/store/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=1361&products_id=62982 (£40 incl p&p and VAT).

I'd be grateful if anyone could tell me of a cheaper place to buy one - money is exceedingly tight at the moment - or if you think there's the possibility of replacing just the DC-in socket, and welding a new one to the board, and if so, where I might be able to buy the socket on its own.

Many thanks. My experience of getting computers fixed and buying new parts hasn't been that good in the past, which is why I'm a bit tentative now.

Drinks on the bar for you all as usual.


Replacing CD-in board on 17" PowerBook

Post 2

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

email this guy http://www.pbfanatic.co.uk/pages/email/emailparts.html
I know him from way back and got my G3 PDQ from him. If he hasn't got one he might be able to tell you where you might find one as cheap as possible.

The only other place I could think of is a US company and they want £60 for one

smiley - cheers

Replacing CD-in board on 17" PowerBook

Post 3

Leaping Badger

Many thanks for your reply. In the end I got the part from the place I mentioned, which has fixed my Powerbook - huge sigh of relief - but will keep the link you provided for future reference.

Thanks again

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