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desktop floats with mouse

Post 1

Mr Jack

why does my entire desktop including the dock and the start bar float with my the movements of my around my screen and how do I stop it?

desktop floats with mouse

Post 2

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Did you maybe turn on the screen magnification feature? Open your system preferences, go to the "universal access" section, and make sure "Zoom" is turned off.

It's meant for visually impaired people, it magnifies what's on the screen so it's easier to see, but since it all can't fit on the monitor at once anymore, it needs to "float" to wherever you put your mouse. You can turn it off and on by typing command-option-8, which you might have done accidentally.
smiley - dog

desktop floats with mouse

Post 3

Mr Jack

Seems I had, thanks for that!

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