This is the Message Centre for Apology To The Italics
Welcome to h2g2!
fords - number 1 all over heaven Started conversation Feb 2, 2002
Hi there, I'm fords your friendly ACE and I'm here to welcome you to the gang and help you find your feet. Best thing to do, instead of giving you loads of links, why not check out my Personal Space by clicking on my name above? As well as some links for new users, there are others there that might interest you...! So any questions, you know where I am now!
Welcome to h2g2!
vegiman:-) Posted Feb 5, 2002
If you read the intro FP - I dont think you will get a response as this is not a newcomer.
Catcha soon
Welcome to h2g2!
fords - number 1 all over heaven Posted Feb 7, 2002
I know, soon as I posted I hit stop on my browser...but not quick enough. D'oh!
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